
Our offer

Our wide experterise and large areas of services makes it possible to offer innovative solutions to our customers thorughout the process in any field. We nurture excellence and provide it to you, as technical consultants we strive to make the hard things easy.

Sustainability is our driving force

Together with our committed colleagues and stakeholders we have the possibility and obligation to make a difference and actively contribute to tomorrows sustainable world.

Service Areas

We are here for you throughout the entire construction process, from idea to management.

Sustainable installations within HVAC, storm water, electrics, building automation, cooling, heating and sprinkler - our expert knowledge within installations has no boundaries.

Don't let the risk limit you. In an urbanized, technology driven and climate threatened world, the need to predict, prevent, resist and handle risks and crises increases.

Through inspections, checks, and investigations, we ensure that your project maintains the highest quality. A smarter, more careful approach leads to buildings and system solutions that last longer.

Project engineering that meets deadlines and achieves goals. All of our services are geared towards meeting the needs and expectations of our customers.

Secure and safe buildings needs clever engineers. From strategic choices with the customer need in focus we strive to create flexible solutions so you can have a sustainably developed fire protection that lasts.

Sustainability permeates every aspect of our company, all of our Bengts, and all of our assignments.


AI i Electric Village

Är det solenergi, bergvärme eller fjärrvärme som ger lägst klimatavtryck just nu? I Tallbohov väljer AI den miljövänligaste energikällan vid varje ögonblick! Den förutser dessutom behovet av lagring och förbrukning av energi.

Contact us

Du you have a question or would like to know more about our service areas? Contact us today!

Please do not use this form to apply for a job or internship. You can find more information here.

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